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. r e s o n a n z
Echtzeitkomposition im Großen Wasserspeicher Prenzlauerberg
HUMAN NATURE ist ein Langzeit-Projekt von The Moving Academy, Berlin. Es berührt die immer drängendere Frage nach unserer Beziehung zur Umwelt und unsere Verortung in der natürlichen Welt. Wie prägt diese, und auch die Beziehung zueinander, Muster und Raum, und was sind die kreativen Kräfte und Potentiale darin. HUMAN NATURE bewegt sich mit künstlerischer Praxis an und in Orten, an denen sich Räume für Begegnung, Resonanz und Reflexion eröffnen
Die aktuelle Reihe im historischen Großen Wasserspeicher Berlin mit verschiedenen Künstler:innen und Formaten, kann das ganze Jahr über mitverfolgt werden. > mehr s.b.u.
. r e s o n a n z
Echtzeitkomposition im Großen Wasserspeicher Prenzlauerberg
HUMAN NATURE ist ein Langzeit-Projekt von The Moving Academy, Berlin. Es berührt die immer drängendere Frage nach unserer Beziehung zur Umwelt und unsere Verortung in der natürlichen Welt. Wie prägt diese, und auch die Beziehung zueinander, Muster und Raum, und was sind die kreativen Kräfte und Potentiale darin. HUMAN NATURE bewegt sich mit künstlerischer Praxis an und in Orten, an denen sich Räume für Begegnung, Resonanz und Reflexion eröffnen
Die aktuelle Reihe im historischen Großen Wasserspeicher Berlin mit verschiedenen Künstler:innen und Formaten, kann das ganze Jahr über mitverfolgt werden. > mehr s.b.u.
#1 am 25.4. // #2 am 13.-15.6. // #3 am 8.-10.8. // #4 am 31.10. // #5 am 5.12.2024
Situation #2
14. & 15. Juni 2024
- HUMAN NATURE Get Together: Einladung zur Prelude am 13. Juni 2024 um 19.30h am Haupteingang des Wasserspeichers. Mit Open doors, Common Food & Drinktable - bringt Snacks und Euer Lieblingsgetränk zum Auftakt und Austausch über Menschen, Naturen und was uns bewegt.
- Performance _ 14. Juni 2024 um 19.30h
3 Tänzer:innen loten die Möglichkeiten des Wasserspeichers aus. Sie Lauschen dem Ort und spielen ihn mit den Klängen ihrer Bewegungen und choreographieren Fragmente und Stücke im Solo, Duo und Trio durch die konzentrischen Kreisanordnungen des Baus. Es finden und bilden sich Zentren und Peripherien, Dynamiken und Stille in einem kompositorischen Prozess, in den sich immer wieder auch Instrumentalist:innen einfinden.
Zu Beginn führt ein Silent Walk Performer:innen und Publikum in die Atmosphäre des Reservoirs und ein verändertes und tieferes Hören und Wahrnehmen ein. Aus ihm heraus beginnen sich Klang-, Zeit- und Raum- Stücke in Echtzeit zu entwickeln und beziehen auch die Aus- und Eingänge des Monuments ein.
Limitierte Platzzahl, Restkarten an der Abendkasse. Spezial: Invite-a-friend-Option - auf jedes Ticket kann eine weitere Person eingeladen werden.
- Silent Walk - Sensing & Listening am 15. Juni 2024 _ 10-10.45h
Limitierte Platzzahl, Restkarten an der Kasse.
- Performance am 15. Juni _ 20h
Set : Christopher Dell / Vibraphon - Solo
Der für seine virtuose Arbeit und radikale Performativität bekannte Komponist und Vibraphonist verlegt seine einzigartige Recherche in den Großen Wasserspeicher und beteiligt uns an einem transzendentalen kompositorischen Prozess. an besonderem Ort.
Mehr unter
Set: Ân Jos Vû / Tanz, Bettina Helmrich / Tanz, Kristín Guttenberg / Tanz _ Solo - Duo - Trio
Die Tänzer:innen befassen sich mit improvisatorischen Prinzipien mit dem Klangraum des Reservoires und bringen Bewegungen und Körperlichkeiten zum klingen. Sie komponieren mit Hörbarem und Unhörbarem, Sichtbarkeit und Unsichtbarkeit in einem nahezu unerfassbaren Raum.
Limitierte Platzzahl, Restkarten an der Abendkasse. Spezial: Invite-a-friend-Option: auf jedes Ticket kann eine weitere Person eingeladen werden
Hinweis: !Bitte warme Kleidung und Taschenlampe (ggf. im Mobiltelefon) mitbringen!
Das Publikum bewegt sich während der gesamten Zeit frei. Sitzgelegenheiten bei Bedarf vorhanden.
Im Anschluss an jede Aufführung gibt es Gelegenheit zum gemeinsamen informellen Austausch und Reflexion.
In der Reihe HUMAN NATURE . r e s o n a n z spielen Künstler:innen aus zeitgenössischer Musik, zeitgenössischem Tanz und Performance den Großen Wasserspeicher in Berlin Prenzlauerberg als Instrument von innen heraus. In Soli und wechselnder Ensemble-Besetzung treten sie in einen direkten, künstlerischen Dialog mit dem Ort, seiner Architektur und einzigartigen Akustik, sowie seinem gesellschaftlichen Kontext. Im Eintreten in die ortseigene Atmosphäre und ihren Soundscape, sowie in der Art des aktiven ‚Listening‘ liegt der Schlüssel zu den Kompositionen in Echtzeit, in denen das historische Industriedenkmal aktiviert wird. Mit ihren unterschiedlichen Hintergründen und Konstellationen gehen die Künstler:innen in ein Zusammenspiel mit den aktuellen Gegebenheiten am Ort. Sie lesen den Raum körperlich und musikalisch, hören aus ihm heraus und setzen sich in Beziehung dazu. Lassen in performativen und installativen Situationen den Raum wirken und Räume entstehen.
In der Atmosphäre des immensen, labyrinthartigen Reservoirs mit seinem speziellen, bis zu 16 Sekunden dauernden Echo, wird ein Feld für intensivierte und veränderte Wahrnehmungen und Reflexionen auf sinnlich-körperlicher, und auch emotionaler und kognitiver Ebene aufgespannt. Dabei erzeugen die immersiven Aufführungen eine fluide Dynamik von Empfindungen und Assoziationen. Das Publikum lässt sich von den Performer:innen mitnehmen oder bewegt sich frei im Speicher, kann verschiedene Perspektiven einnehmen und auf sich zukommen lassen. Im kollektiven Listening entstehen Übergänge und Kontraste von Zeitlichkeit, Licht und Dunkelheit, Stille und Sound, Leere und Verdichtung, Verunsicherung und Vertrauen, Forscherdrang und Treibenlassen…
Die künstlerisch-spielerische Aneignung des Reservoirs, dessen ursprüngliche Funktion nicht für die Anwesenheit von Menschen bestimmt ist, und die wahrnehmbare An- bzw Abwesenheit des Elementes Wasser, können Imaginationen und Reflexionen zu aktuellen Lebenswirklichkeiten und Themen bei den Anwesenden auslösen. In einem sehr individuellen und dabei gemeinschaftlichen Erleben gleichermassen.
Im Anschluss an die Aufführung gibt es Gelegenheit zum informellen Austausch mit Performer:innen und Publikum.
Folgende Termine der Reihe HUMAN NATURE . r e s o n a n z 2024
Situation #3: 8.-10. August
Situation #4: 31. Oktober
Situation #5: 5. Dezember
Program-in-process von April bis Dezember 2024
Performances mit kürzeren Sets und extended und long-durational Formaten und Silent Walks (Wahrnehmungs-Führungen und performativen Führungen) zu unterschiedlichen Tageszeiten. Die Teilnahme an verschiedenen Events ermöglicht immer neue Erfahrungen, Meetings und Austausch.
Mit Künstler:innen aus zeitgenössischer Musik und zeitgenössischem Tanz und Performance, der Echtzeitkomposition und des Instant Composing. U.a. mit Niels Weijer, Bettina Helmrich, Christopher Dell, Kristin Guttenberg, Ân Jos Vû, Vincent Laju, Akiles Agaili, Ángel Zotes Ramos, Nikolaus Neuser. Weitere Informationen folgen.
Konzept und Projektleitung: Kristín Guttenberg
Produktionsassistenz Situation #1: Niels Weijer / #2: Ân-Jos Vū
Großer Dank an alle beteiligten Künstler:innen und an Rose von Kitlitz, Marie Blobel/Jazzexzess, das Team von Förderband e.v. für die Unterstützung.
Plakatgestaltung: Lukas Dilger. Druck: solid earth
english version
Situation #2
14 & 15 June 2024
HUMAN NATURE is a long-term project by The Moving Academy, Berlin. It touches on the increasingly urgent question of our relationship to the environment and our place in the natural world. How does this, and our relationship to each other, shape patterns and space, and what are the creative forces and potentials within it? HUMAN NATURE moves with artistic practice in and around places where spaces for encounter, resonance and reflection open up.
The current series in the historic Großer Wasserspeicher Berlin with various artists and formats can be followed throughout the year. > more please find below.
3 dancers explore the possibilities of the water reservoir and play the place with the amplified and altered sounds of their movements. They choreograph fragments and pieces in solo, duo and trio through the concentric circular arrangements of the building. Centres and peripheries, dynamics and silences are found and formed in a compositional process. Instrumental sounds are entering, interweave, interact and take over in an interplay with the movers...
At the beginning, a silent walk introduces performers and audience to the atmosphere of the reservoir and a transformed and deeper listening and perception. From there, sound, time and space pieces begin to develop in real time, including exits and entrances of the monument.
Tickets Limited palces, remaining tickets at the doors. !Special: Come together - one additional person can be invited to your ticket!
Tickets Limited palces, remaining tickets at the doors.
Set : Christopher Dell / Vibraphone - Solo.
The composer and vibraphonist known for his virtuoso work and radical performativity moves his unique research to the Great Water Reservoir and involves us in a transcendental compositional process in a special place.
Set: Ân Jos Vû / Dance, Bettina Helmrich / Dance, Kristín Guttenberg / Dance _ Solo - Duo - Trio
The dancers use improvisational principles to engage with the sound space of the reservoir and make movements and physicalities resonate. They compose with the audible and the inaudible, visibility and invisibility in an almost incomprehensible space. Contrasting or complementing the compositions of the Vibraphon. Contrasting the compositions of the vibraphone.
Tickets Limited palces, remaining tickets at the doors. !Special: Come together - one additional person can be invited to your ticket!
! Note: Please bring warm clothing and a torch for all events !
The audience moves freely during the entire time. Seating available if required.
After each performance there will be an opportunity for informal exchange and reflection.
In the series HUMAN NATURE . r e s o n a n z , artists from the fields of contemporary music, contemporary dance and performance play the Großer Wasserspeicher in Berlin Prenzlauerberg as an instrument from the inside out. In solos and changing ensemble line-ups and approaches, they enter into a direct, artistic dialogue with the location, its architecture and unique acoustics, as well as its social context. The key to the compositions in real time, in which the historical industrial monument is activated, lies in entering into the inherent atmosphere of the location and its soundscape, as well as in the art of active 'listening'. With their different backgrounds and constellations, the artists enter into an interplay with the current conditions at the site. They read the space physically and musically, listen out of it and relate to it. In performative and installative situations, they allow the space to take effect and spaces to emerge.
In the atmosphere of the immense, labyrinthine reservoir with its special echo lasting up to 16 seconds, a field is created for intensified and altered perceptions and reflections on a sensual, physical, emotional and cognitive level. The immersive performances create a fluid dynamic of sensations and associations. The audience allows itself to be taken along by the performers or moves freely in the reservoire, can adopt different perspectives and let them come towards them. In collective listening, transitions and contrasts emerge between temporality, light and darkness, silence and sound, emptiness and condensation, uncertainty and trust, the urge to explore and drift...
The artistic and playful adoption of the reservoir, whose original function is not intended for the presence of people, and the perceptible presence or absence of the element of water, can trigger imaginations and reflections on current realities and themes for witnesses and creators. In a very individual and yet communal experience in equal measure.
Following the performance, there will be an opportunity for informal dialogue with the performers and the audience.
Following dates in the HUMAN NATURE . r e s o n a n z 2024 series
Situation #3: 8-10 August
Situation #4: 31 October
Situation #5: 5 December
Programme-in-process from April to December 2024
Performances with shorter sets and extended durational formats as well as silent walks (perceptual tours and performative tours) at different times of day. Participation in various events always enables new experiences, meetings and exchanges.
With artists from contemporary music and contemporary dance and performance, real-time composition and instant composing. Among others with Niels Weijer, Bettina Helmrich, Christopher Dell, Kristin Guttenberg, Ân Jos Vû, Vincent Laju, Akiles Agaili, Ángel Zotes Ramos, Nikolaus Neuser. Further information will follow.
Concept and project management: Kristín Guttenberg
Production assistance Situation #1: Niels Weijer / #2: Ân-Jos Vū
Many thanks to all participating artists and to Rose von Kitlitz, Marie Blobel/Jazzexzess, the team of Förderband e.v. for their support.
Poster design: Lukas Dilger. Print: solid earth
Situation #2
14 & 15 June 2024
HUMAN NATURE is a long-term project by The Moving Academy, Berlin. It touches on the increasingly urgent question of our relationship to the environment and our place in the natural world. How does this, and our relationship to each other, shape patterns and space, and what are the creative forces and potentials within it? HUMAN NATURE moves with artistic practice in and around places where spaces for encounter, resonance and reflection open up.
The current series in the historic Großer Wasserspeicher Berlin with various artists and formats can be followed throughout the year. > more please find below.
- HUMAN NATURE Get Together _ an invitation to a prelude on 13 June 2024 at 19.30h at the main entrance of the water reservoir. With Common Food & Drinktable - bring snacks and your favourite drink to the prelude and exchange about humans, natures and what moves us.
- Performance _ 14 June 2024 at 19.30h
3 dancers explore the possibilities of the water reservoir and play the place with the amplified and altered sounds of their movements. They choreograph fragments and pieces in solo, duo and trio through the concentric circular arrangements of the building. Centres and peripheries, dynamics and silences are found and formed in a compositional process. Instrumental sounds are entering, interweave, interact and take over in an interplay with the movers...
At the beginning, a silent walk introduces performers and audience to the atmosphere of the reservoir and a transformed and deeper listening and perception. From there, sound, time and space pieces begin to develop in real time, including exits and entrances of the monument.
Tickets Limited palces, remaining tickets at the doors. !Special: Come together - one additional person can be invited to your ticket!
- Silent Walk - Sensing & Listening on 15 June 2024 _ 10-10.45h
Tickets Limited palces, remaining tickets at the doors.
- Performance on 15 June _ 20h
Set : Christopher Dell / Vibraphone - Solo.
The composer and vibraphonist known for his virtuoso work and radical performativity moves his unique research to the Great Water Reservoir and involves us in a transcendental compositional process in a special place.
Set: Ân Jos Vû / Dance, Bettina Helmrich / Dance, Kristín Guttenberg / Dance _ Solo - Duo - Trio
The dancers use improvisational principles to engage with the sound space of the reservoir and make movements and physicalities resonate. They compose with the audible and the inaudible, visibility and invisibility in an almost incomprehensible space. Contrasting or complementing the compositions of the Vibraphon. Contrasting the compositions of the vibraphone.
Tickets Limited palces, remaining tickets at the doors. !Special: Come together - one additional person can be invited to your ticket!
! Note: Please bring warm clothing and a torch for all events !
The audience moves freely during the entire time. Seating available if required.
After each performance there will be an opportunity for informal exchange and reflection.
In the series HUMAN NATURE . r e s o n a n z , artists from the fields of contemporary music, contemporary dance and performance play the Großer Wasserspeicher in Berlin Prenzlauerberg as an instrument from the inside out. In solos and changing ensemble line-ups and approaches, they enter into a direct, artistic dialogue with the location, its architecture and unique acoustics, as well as its social context. The key to the compositions in real time, in which the historical industrial monument is activated, lies in entering into the inherent atmosphere of the location and its soundscape, as well as in the art of active 'listening'. With their different backgrounds and constellations, the artists enter into an interplay with the current conditions at the site. They read the space physically and musically, listen out of it and relate to it. In performative and installative situations, they allow the space to take effect and spaces to emerge.
In the atmosphere of the immense, labyrinthine reservoir with its special echo lasting up to 16 seconds, a field is created for intensified and altered perceptions and reflections on a sensual, physical, emotional and cognitive level. The immersive performances create a fluid dynamic of sensations and associations. The audience allows itself to be taken along by the performers or moves freely in the reservoire, can adopt different perspectives and let them come towards them. In collective listening, transitions and contrasts emerge between temporality, light and darkness, silence and sound, emptiness and condensation, uncertainty and trust, the urge to explore and drift...
The artistic and playful adoption of the reservoir, whose original function is not intended for the presence of people, and the perceptible presence or absence of the element of water, can trigger imaginations and reflections on current realities and themes for witnesses and creators. In a very individual and yet communal experience in equal measure.
Following the performance, there will be an opportunity for informal dialogue with the performers and the audience.
Following dates in the HUMAN NATURE . r e s o n a n z 2024 series
Situation #3: 8-10 August
Situation #4: 31 October
Situation #5: 5 December
Programme-in-process from April to December 2024
Performances with shorter sets and extended durational formats as well as silent walks (perceptual tours and performative tours) at different times of day. Participation in various events always enables new experiences, meetings and exchanges.
With artists from contemporary music and contemporary dance and performance, real-time composition and instant composing. Among others with Niels Weijer, Bettina Helmrich, Christopher Dell, Kristin Guttenberg, Ân Jos Vû, Vincent Laju, Akiles Agaili, Ángel Zotes Ramos, Nikolaus Neuser. Further information will follow.
Concept and project management: Kristín Guttenberg
Production assistance Situation #1: Niels Weijer / #2: Ân-Jos Vū
Many thanks to all participating artists and to Rose von Kitlitz, Marie Blobel/Jazzexzess, the team of Förderband e.v. for their support.
Poster design: Lukas Dilger. Print: solid earth
Situation #1
Do 25.April 2024
mit Niels Weijer/Tanz, Akiles Agaili/Tanz, Kristín Guttenberg/Tanz/Fujara, Vincent Laju/Shakuhachi
Drei Tänzer:innen spielen den Großen Wasserspeicher als immenses ‚Resonanz-Instrument‘. Sie komponieren den Klang - im Moment durch ihre Bewegung, zwischen Sichtbarkeit und Unsichtbarkeit, zwischen sichtbarer und hörbarer Präsenz in der labyrinthartigen Struktur des Speichers. Wie übersetzt sich der Tanz in der sensiblen Akustik des Raumes in Klang? Wie orientiert sich die Bewegungskomposition am Klang? Wie verselbständigen sich die Klänge, verweben sich zu eigenen Kompositionen und Klang-Bewegungen, die von den drei Performer:innen wieder aufgenommen werden…?
In der Atmosphäre des Reservoirs wird Tanz zu akustischen Signalen, zu Klang-Komposition. Welche Perspektiven wähle ich als Zuhörer:in im Raum? Stehend, sitzend, wandelnd? Empfangend, abwartend, suchend? Wechselnd zwischen Dunkelheit und Leuchtquellen? In einem Moment werden die Echoes von Instrumenten aufgenommen und die Situation weitergespielt …
19.30h _ Karten im Vorverkauf hier _ nur Restkarten an der Abendkasse.
& für die Resonanz: auf jede Eintrittskarte kann eine weitere Person eingeladen werden
18.30h _ Silent Walk - eine stille Wahrnehmungsführung durch den Großen Wasserspeicher für Interessierte.
Spezielle Infos:
- Bitte kleine Taschenlampe (Händilampe) und warme Kleidung mitbringen. Auch in den warmen Monaten.
- Auf jede Eintrittskarte kann eine weitere Person frei eingeladen werden.
- Details für die folgenden Veranstaltungen - Situation # 2-5 - folgen zeitnah via Instagram @themovingacademyberlin oder hier auf der Homepage
Ein Projekt von The Moving Academy, Berlin. Spezieller Dank an Marie Blobel/Jazzexzess, Rose von Kittlitz, Förderband e.V. für die Unterstützung.
Projektleitung: Kristín Guttenberg, Produktionsassistenz: Niels Weijer
* HUMAN NATURE _ Ein Langzeitprojekt von The Moving Academy, Berlin. So aktuell wie ‚je zuvor‘ stellt es die Frage nach unserer Beziehung zur Umwelt, nach unserem Platz in der natürlichen Welt. Wie gestalten diese und die Beziehung zueinander den Raum und formt Muster, und welche schöpferische Kraft und welches Potenzial stecken darin? HUMAN NATURE bewegt sich an Orte und in Orten, in denen diese Fragen sich verdichten und sich Räume für Resonanz und Reflexion auftun.
. r e s o n a n z
Situation #1
Three dancers play the water reservoir as an immense 'resonance instrument’. They compose the sound in the moment through their movements, between visibility and invisibility, between visible and audible presence in the labyrinthine structure of the building. How does dance translate into sound in the sensitive acoustics of the space. How is the movement composition oriented on sound. How do the sounds take on a life of their own, weave themselves into their own compositions and sonic movements, taken up again by the three performers…
In the atmosphere of this building, dance translates into acoustic signals, sound compositions. Which perspectives do you choose as a listener in the venue? Standing, sitting, walking? Receiving, waiting, searching? Or alternating between darkness and light sources? In a moment the echoes are taken up by instruments and the situation is played on ...
The series . r e s o n a n z is an invitation into the interior of the industrial monument, its special echoe and an exploration with artistic practice. It can have an effect beyond the purely acoustic, can catch echoes from the city and create echoes within oneself. The presence and absence of water and the formerly industrial, non-human architecture might resonate with our social, ecological realities and historic transitions.
The series will invite a variety of artists and formats and can be witnessed and followed throughout the year.
Situations #1 - 5:
#1 on 25.4. // #2 on 13.-15.6. // #3 on 8.-10.8. // #4 on 31.10. // #5 on 5.12.2024
Situation #1
Thu 25.4.24
Niels Weijer/Tanz, Akiles/Tanz, Kristín Guttenberg/Tanz/Fujara, Vincent Laju/Shakuhachi
19.30h _ Please buy tickets here _ only remaining tickets at the doors.
& for the resonance: One additional person can be invited to each ticket for free :-)
18.30h _ Silent Walk - a guided listening tour into the Grand Water Reservoir. It can be visited as an introduction previous to the performance.
Special information:
Please bring a small flashlight and warm clothing. Also in the warmer months.
One additional person can be happily invited to each ticket.
The details for the following events can be seen via Instagram @themovingacademyberlin or here on the homepage
A project by The Moving Academy Berlin
Special thanks to Marie Blobel/Jazzexzess, Rose von Kittlitz, Förderband e.V. for the support.
Project Director: Kristín Guttenberg, Production Assistence: Niels Weijer
As relevant as ever, the longterm project asks what is our relation with the environment, what is our place in the natural world. How does this and likewise the relationship with each others shape patterns and space, and what are the creative forces and potentials in it. HUMAN NATURE moves to and in places where such questions are condensed and spaces for resonance and reflection open up in an aesthetic and participatory practice.
. r e s o n a n z
Situation #1
Three dancers play the water reservoir as an immense 'resonance instrument’. They compose the sound in the moment through their movements, between visibility and invisibility, between visible and audible presence in the labyrinthine structure of the building. How does dance translate into sound in the sensitive acoustics of the space. How is the movement composition oriented on sound. How do the sounds take on a life of their own, weave themselves into their own compositions and sonic movements, taken up again by the three performers…
In the atmosphere of this building, dance translates into acoustic signals, sound compositions. Which perspectives do you choose as a listener in the venue? Standing, sitting, walking? Receiving, waiting, searching? Or alternating between darkness and light sources? In a moment the echoes are taken up by instruments and the situation is played on ...
The series . r e s o n a n z is an invitation into the interior of the industrial monument, its special echoe and an exploration with artistic practice. It can have an effect beyond the purely acoustic, can catch echoes from the city and create echoes within oneself. The presence and absence of water and the formerly industrial, non-human architecture might resonate with our social, ecological realities and historic transitions.
The series will invite a variety of artists and formats and can be witnessed and followed throughout the year.
Situations #1 - 5:
#1 on 25.4. // #2 on 13.-15.6. // #3 on 8.-10.8. // #4 on 31.10. // #5 on 5.12.2024
Situation #1
Thu 25.4.24
Niels Weijer/Tanz, Akiles/Tanz, Kristín Guttenberg/Tanz/Fujara, Vincent Laju/Shakuhachi
19.30h _ Please buy tickets here _ only remaining tickets at the doors.
& for the resonance: One additional person can be invited to each ticket for free :-)
18.30h _ Silent Walk - a guided listening tour into the Grand Water Reservoir. It can be visited as an introduction previous to the performance.
Special information:
Please bring a small flashlight and warm clothing. Also in the warmer months.
One additional person can be happily invited to each ticket.
The details for the following events can be seen via Instagram @themovingacademyberlin or here on the homepage
A project by The Moving Academy Berlin
Special thanks to Marie Blobel/Jazzexzess, Rose von Kittlitz, Förderband e.V. for the support.
Project Director: Kristín Guttenberg, Production Assistence: Niels Weijer
As relevant as ever, the longterm project asks what is our relation with the environment, what is our place in the natural world. How does this and likewise the relationship with each others shape patterns and space, and what are the creative forces and potentials in it. HUMAN NATURE moves to and in places where such questions are condensed and spaces for resonance and reflection open up in an aesthetic and participatory practice.